To and fro, ebb and flow


SB2411001: To and fro, ebb and flow
Seeds: Bottle gourd, Soybean, Amaranthus, Purslane

In all our childhoods, there is a luminous memory somewhere of swinging high and free—in the park, legs through a rubber tyre, from the roots of a banyan, on a makeshift wooden plank.

It is easy to forget, with our feet off the ground, that we are always tethered to the branches that hold us, which bind us together with the world as we all move to and fro through its rhythms.

This band, tied to the branch of our wrists, but still swinging gently in the breeze, is a tender reminder that the ‘we’ of humans never stretches very far beyond the ‘us’ of the crawling, swimming, blooming, and ever-evolving natural world.

34 in stock

SKU: SB2411001 Categories: ,


Only WE, humans, are conscious. WE are intelligent. WE have feelings & families & histories…

All of these beliefs have been challenged & it means that “WE” need to expand beyond the human realm & imagine a new way of co-existing in this world. To accept this shift in our consciousness—to always be becoming—is our essence.

Like a cocooned caterpillar, the blossoming bud, water flowing downriver, or the continuous rounding of a stone—there is a tender beauty in evolving.

These bands are also ever-evolving—a bond from the transforming ecosystem in our farm to the quiet changes in all of us. “Pay attention to the transformation within & without,” they seem to say. It will surprise & nourish us on this journey.

Plantable Seed Bands handcrafted from naturally dyed & handspun yarn of organically grown, indigenous cotton. Plantable Seed Papers on which bands are wrapped are handmade, up-cycled & biodegradable.

Additional information

Weight 0.03 kg


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